Brain Spew - Neville Mehta's Blog

Friday, January 26, 2007

Cannot get Membership Provider with name [MembershipProvider name] error in SharePoint 2007 / WSS 3

Ive been doing some work with MOSS 2007 lately and came across this error:

Cannot get Membership Provider with name [MembershipProvider name]. The membership provider for this process was not properly configured. You must configure the membership provider in the .config file for every SharePoint process.

Just to save someone else the time of figuring out what the problem is, I thought I would let you know that the reason this is happening is because when you use a membership provider in SharePoint 2007 (or WSS 3) you must add the details about the membership provider in the web.config of the site you have created AS WELL AS in Central Admin so you can create site collection administrators etc.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Uninstalling SQL Embedded Edition after a WSS 3 installation

If you ever try to install WS 3.0 on a single machine, an instance of SQL Server Embedded Edition is created, and this is will be your default for config and content databases. I wanted to use SQL Server 2005 Dev Edition. To do this, you must install WSS 3.0 with the farm option, not just a stand alone (single) option. But, the SQL Server Embedded databases dont uninstall. I looked around alot for info on uninstalling this, but eventually found this. Take a look at issue 33.